Thursday 19 May 2011

What's this all about?

The internet is already full of nonsensical radical an uneducated opinions, and now I've had the cheek to start a blog.  It'll likely never be read, and will have as much effect on the masses as UKIP but at least now I'll justifiably be able to say, "Don't you read my blog" with an air of incredulousness.

I debated for a while about what the first post would be, and I settled on a few topics: Assange, our much maligned Justice Secretary, piracy, big pharma, big tobacco, big society...

It made my head hurt, so instead, I'm going to spend the first blog doing shameless plugging.  That's what the internet is for, right?  Well, unless you live on Avenue Q.

In an ironic twist, the first plug is for another blog,
I was in high school with Sam, though we were more casual acquaintances than anything.  I won't wax lyrical on content or purpose, but I will say you should read it, it's well written and deserves recognition.

The second plug is for my Muay Thai class.  Go to
Read our marketing info

I'll now go and collect my thoughts again and have a rant later, probably around dinner time.

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